Thursday, March 4, 2010

Turmeric Rice

Madhur Jaffrey’s Quick and Easy Indian Cooking

2 cups basmati rice

3 tablespoons vegetable oil

3 whole cloves

1 bay leaf 4 cardamom pods

1-inch stick cinnamon

2 cloves garlic, peeled and finely chopped

¼ teaspoons ground turmeric

1 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons finely sliced chives or the green part of green onions

Put the rice in a bowl and rinse well in several changes of water, then drain.

Put the oil in a heavy saucepan and set over medium-high heat. When the oil is hot, put in the cloves, bay leaf, cardamom pods, and cinnamon. Stir once or twice and put in the garlic. As soon as the garlic turns medium brown, put in the rice, turmeric, and salt. Stir gently for a minute. Now put in 2 ¾ cups water and bring to a boil. Cover tightly, turn the heat down very, very low, and cook for 25 minutes. Sprinkle with chives before serving.

Serves 4-6

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