Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Devotional - March 16, 2011

II Thessalonians 2:16-17
“May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our
Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us
eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage
your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed
and word.” (NIV)

Have you taken a look around you lately? It seems that evil has lurked its way into every fabric of society. Sometimes it is easy to spot and other times it is not. You wonder if there truly is any hope left anywhere! Paul tells us that the lawless one will do whatever it takes to have control over everyone.

Yet there is hope, brothers and sisters. Through God's grace He chose you to be His first fruits and to be sanctified by the Holy Spirit. He knows what you have done in His will and He will protect His children. Do not despair, the Creator of the universe encourages you to continue on, being His light, His word to those in darkness and to remember there is always hope when you have God on your side.
- Eric Chapman, Lahash Volunteer

For Kids
Where do you get your strength and encouragement to love others? Have
you ever asked God to help you? By now you are probably so tired of
eating rice and beans. It's not an easy thing to do. Thankfully we have a
God who encourages our hearts and strengthens us to keep doing good
even when it's hard. When you are feeling tired this month, talk to God
about it and trust that He will help you and encourage you. He loves you
and is so excited you want to talk to Him and love others.

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