Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Devotional - March 9, 2011

The full Rice & Beans Month devotional booklet "Shared Elements" is available for download here

I Thessalonians 4:11-12

“Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your
own business and to work with your hands, just as we
told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of
outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on
anybody.” (NLT)

From the looks of it, my friend Elia's life is anything but quiet. In her small Mexican village, her days are full–running a business with single mothers to bake and sell bread, teaching Bible classes to dozens of children in her home, and carrying food and encouragement to impoverished work camps.

But that's just on the outside. While her hands and feet move in continual service, her inward life is quiet. I've heard her praying aloud late at night to a God who never sleeps, and every problem or need is instantly laid at His feet. “I only want to do what He wants me to do,” she says, as she looks ceaselessly to God for direction.

Having released everything to her Father, her spirit is quiet. Rested. Ready to daily follow down whatever path God might lead. The quiet life can take many forms, and Elia's inner peace transforms her outer service.
- Dana Bertermann, Lahash Volunteer

For Kids
Have you ever been in a place like the grocery store and you saw a kid
screaming and yelling because they didn't get something they wanted?
Everyone who walks by stares at the kid who is being so loud. In this part
of the Bible it says that if we live a quiet life, mind our own business, and
do our work, people will respect us! If we don't try to get attention by
being loud, people will think better of us for it. See if you can go through
the whole day today doing your work, eating your rice and beans, playing,
and talking with your friends without yelling at someone. In fact, even try
to spend some time just being silent, listening to God. What do you hear?

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